With subsidies, companies can significantly improve their liquidity. However, only very few companies use this option and forego considerable amounts of money. Find out what grants your company can receive.
Funding --an overview
There are government grants for investments, R & D activities and much more. For all companies, their liquidity is of vital importance. A wide variety of instruments are therefore used to ensure that the difference between incoming payments and expenses is as high as possible. The subject From process optimization to tax-saving models, there is a wide range of possible approaches.
Because of its importance, almost all available options are exhausted. Only one topic is neglected by many companies: subsidies.There are many reasons why
the topic of subsidies does not have the same priority in the minds of many
decision-makers, such as reducing costs or saving taxes. On the one hand, there
is a misconception that this is a state handover, on the Other hand, the associated
bureaucracy is an obstacle. In addition, many entrepreneurs or executives are
unaware that they can receive government grants for cost-intensive
developments, investments and other measures. But that is exactly the case.
Medium-sized companies in particular have a wide range of options here.
However, the funding landscape is confusing and complex. The following overview
is intended to shed some light on the darkness.
In simplified terms, the
funding can be found in
Assumption of guarantees and discounted
Venture capital and
non-repayable grants
organize. Most interesting
are the grants as they do not have to be repaid. Therefore, the focus below
will be on the grants.
1. Non-refundable grants
Non-repayable grants are
funds that the state distributes for a specific purpose. As the name suggests,
this money does not have to be repaid and thus directly increases the company's
liquidity without becoming a risk later on. In principle, there are grants for
almost all conceivable purposes. The following types of funding are of
particular interest to most companies:
Promotion of research and
development (innovation promotion, product development, etc.)
Investment promotion
(modernization, digitization, expansion, etc.)
Advisory funding
The advisory funding is
usually only granted to smaller companies (usually up to a maximum of 100
employees) and generally amounts to between EUR 1,500 and EUR 3,000. Five-digit
grants can only be requested for advice on digitization or in the context of
commissioned feasibility studies.
2. Promotion of innovation
Funding for research and
development or innovation funding is particularly attractive. There are many
opportunities here for small and large companies. There are calls for tenders
at EU, federal and state level. Feasibility studies, individual projects and
cooperation projects can typically be applied for, Although many tenders only
provide for the implementation of cooperation projects. The funded projects are
usually subsidized with 25% to 50% of the project budget.
For smaller projects, this
means a grant of between € 100,000 and € 200,000 per company. For larger
projects, the grant can of course be significantly higher. In this context, the
central SME Innovation Program (ZIM), which is open to almost all industries
and topics, and the innovation funding of the federal states are particularly
attractive for SMEs. It is also interesting that after the project has been
carried out, additional grants for the market launch can be applied for (for
advertising, approvals, etc. ). The subject-specific tenders from the federal
ministries are of interest to larger companies. Tenders at EU level can also be
2. Research allowance
A particularly important
instrument in the funding landscape is tax subsidies for research and
development --the so-called research allowance. This applies to all companies,
regardless of the size of the company. And other advantages come into play:
Firstly, there is a legal entitlement to this funding and, secondly, the application
is made via the annual financial statements, which have to be prepared anyway.
The subsidy then takes the form of a tax refund or, if the income is negative,
in the form of a direct payment . Every company that does not take advantage of
this opportunity is giving away money.
4. Investment promotion
Investment funding is another funding
instrument that can be very attractive for companies. The spectrum ranges from
grants for increased energy efficiency in production, for better thermal
insulation or for the construction and expansion of biogas or solar systems.
But it can also be investments in new production facilities or the construction
of buildings to create or secure jobs. Depending on the project and framework
conditions, very large grants can be obtained. It is therefore always advisable
to examine the funding opportunities for investment project
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